Who Are We?

Big Church Ministry With Small Church Intimacy

Hand-made Cross By Glen Turner

Hand-made Cross By Glen Turner


Before folks were saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost,

Before William Seymour, Charles Parham and Azusa St.,

Before Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Thesis and the Diet of Worms,

Before the Council of Trent, Before Chalcedon, Before Nicaea,

Before popes, bishops, and five-fold ministries,

There were Disciples. 

At Disciples of Christ, we seek to reintroduce the concept of discipleship as integral and critical to the transformation of believers.  Within discipleship we find the bridge between living in religious anticipation and abundant living.

Discipleship was the foundational institution through which Jesus transformed an unlikely collection of misfits into an empowered fellowship that shepherded an organism that transformed the course of human history.  Disciples of Christ was born of a calling to transcend the form of the Christian religious establishment and return to the foundational function of the Christian faith – that is relational immersive learning that has tangible affect upon the way people experience their lives.

 A contrast of modern Christian practices against Biblical tradition gives way to a poignant truth – all Christian disciples are saved, but today all saved people are not Christian disciples.  Discipleship concerns itself first with faithfulness to God’s self-revelation through Scripture, the example of Jesus Christ, and interaction with the Holy Spirit before legalities, systematic theologies, or traditions.  To a disciple, the most important question isn’t, “Where in the Bible does it say this is a sin?”  The most important question to a disciple is, “Whose disciple does this make me look like?”

Feel free to walk with us on this page, or in person, as we break with convention while holding fast to Biblical tradition and seek to experience the world through God’s eyes, and His heart.